“All by Ourselves” – Now a Major Motion Picture!

Or at least a video of my keynote at LeanKanban Central Europe 2015 in Munich on November 17:

All by Ourselves (Keynote) – Chet Richards at LKCE15 from Lean Kanban Central Europe on Vimeo.

Many thanks to the folks at it-agile for a superb conference! Ran like clock work, too many great presentations to catch them all, rocking late Oktoberfest, and somehow they arranged for record high temperatures in Munich.

10 thoughts on ““All by Ourselves” – Now a Major Motion Picture!

  1. For the Hollywood remake, I’m seeing Tom Hiddleston as King Henry V and Noomi Rapace as the exotic Ooda Loop, reprising her character Lisbeth Salander, the ultimate Boydian warrior. Chris Hemsworth is a natural to play me.

  2. “Command=telling people what to do”–“Control=making sure that they do it”. By never giving orders (as orders are commands) Marquet gave his officers self-control. In other words, his officers made sure that they themselves did “it”. Marquet’s “job”, as Captain of the boat, was then changed from telling people what to do and making sure that they did it to that of making sure the person who knew what to do gave the command to do it. He did this by giving intent. As you suggested in the video, this works fine in a closely contained environment such as a submarine. My guess is that this would work less well in an environment not closely contained, not because the intent can’t be given, but because there are too many variables in an open environment for self control to handle. Normally the Captain is not practicing self-control, but telling people what to do. His command may be right or wrong, but he is simplifying a complex situation. If complexity has a deep affect on a command and control structure, does this mean, from Marquet’s (TED?) video, what the submariners were actually doing in Afghanistan is building submarines, i.e. closely contained environments, and the bridges just happened to be inside those environments? Perhaps I need to learn how to build submarines, before stopping giving orders?

    • Larry,

      Thanks. I noted in the paper version of the keynote that USMC Capt. Mike Wyly achieved much the same effect as a company commander in Vietnam. I think the lesson is that you have to evolve some version appropriate to your situation.

      I have no clue what the submariners were doing in Afghanistan. I don’t know how they achieved the deep understanding of the society considered as a prereq by Kilcullen.


      • ” I don’t know how they achieved the deep understanding of the society considered as a prereq by Kilcullen.” Exactly what I was wondering.
        What the submariners did have was a deep understanding of, from their experience aboard the Santa Fe, command and control structures. In their case, a structure that was, more or less, inverted from normal,
        If not inverted, at least the commands came from a higher calling and control came from a self. It was a case where structure created culture.
        A group of Marines, in the same area of Afghanistan as where the submariners were operating in, accomplished good result by doing the opposite. They took off their uniforms, called themselves Canadians, and put the young men in their area to work. Which to me sounds like changing a culture to create a different structure.
        Your video talks about changing the command and control structure by changing the planks that the structure is built on (Einheit), at least that is how I interpret it. Hoping to be a wise man in the room, how clever are you when it comes to the environment observed?
        In less obtuse questioning, what importance do you place on environment in Maneuver Warfare, in shaping the command and control structure of an organisation? You made quite a point of it, when explaining the matrix of those aboard a submarine. In the Kitchen Kanban segment, the presenter also made a point to say that a kitchen environment was well suited to apply the principles of Kanban.

  3. Trying now to be clever instead of wise, in my 3rd viewing of your video I think you answered my question on: does the environment matter. I think what you explained was that one could be on a submarine or in a rice paddy in Vietnam. So it seems to me that one’s orientation is more important in Maneuver Warfare than environment. And then, as you also explained, if you don’t have Einheit, then you may as well go home because your orientation is going to be so weak as to not matter much.
    Of course, information seems to be more important [data?] than either environment or orientation, because your Einheit maybe strong, but irrelevant in the environment observed.

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